Saturday, December 13, 2008


Hello everyone! Allow me to introduce myself. I am Wayne Redhart- reviewer of such classic items as the Gentlemen's Ball Scratcher

Anyhow, today is a truly momentous occasion- for I have finally reached FIVE THOUSAND helpful votes! Still, much ground remains to be covered. Why not stop to visit my profile, in order to add a few extra thumbs ups? Mark my words, ladies and gentleman- I shall not rest until I have earned my rightful place as a top 100 reviewer! Anyway, just off to bed. Goodnight for now!

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  1. That's a good looking first post. Well done.


  2. Hello Wayne. I have followed your Amazon reviewing career over the last few weeks and months and with the reputation of West Midlanders in mind have felt very pleased at your meteoric rise. (I understand that meteors usually tend to drop into the atmosphere and vapourise in a fiery streak of screaming havoc, but as you yourself have so often and ably shown, language is a fickle hen, so it's a ridiculous phrase that I shall nevertheless use.) Anyway, keep up the good work, sir and keep climbing the rankings. I have everything crossed that you'll at least reach the number two spot. I know you have it in you.
